Nursing Excellence


Nursing services are an integral part of the clinical services of any health care organization. The aim of nursing services is to provide comprehensive nursing care in terms of health promotion, prevention of diseases and therapeutic nursing care to the patients in a HCO as well as to the community.

The objective of the nursing professional is to provide safe, competent and ethical nursing care with compassion, comfort and collaboration with the patients, the family, the community and the clinical care team. The Nursing professionals are the cornerstone of any quality related programme in a health care organization since most of the delivery and monitoring of health care is carried out by them. Their knowledge, clinical judgement, skills, attitude, communication and other soft skills thus make all the difference in the ultimate delivery of health care to the patients.

Standards are pre requisite for the promotion of safe, effective, competent and ethical nursing care. They help the individual nursing practitioner to evaluate the services being provided by them and also act as a catalyst for self regulation and improvement. Nursing excellence standards have been framed with a view to lay down the guidelines for evaluating the nursing services being provided by a Health Care Organization, thereby providing a platform for continual improvement.

These standards are applicable to all the Health care organizations irrespective of their size, role and complexity. They will help in regulating, guiding and promoting professional nursing practice. They will serve as guidelines to nurse administrators and supervisors for supporting and facilitating safe, competent and ethical nursing practices within their Health Care Organizations.

The 1st edition of nursing excellence standards is divided into 07 chapters, focusing on various professional, administrative and governance aspects of nursing. Seven chapters are further divided into 48 standards. Put together there are 216 objective elements incorporated within these standards.

Outline of NABH Nursing Excellence Standards

  • 1. Nursing Resource Management (NRM).
  • 2. Nursing Care of Patient (NCP).
  • 3. Management of Medication (MOM).
  • 4. Education, Communication and Guidance (ECG).
  • 5. Infection Control Practices (ICP).
  • 6. Empowerment and Governance (EG).
  • 7. Nursing Quality Indicators (NQI).

Note: Standards for nursing excellence shall be launched soon.

For further details you are requested to write to deepti@nabh.co

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